Sunday, January 26, 2014

Do you build your business using social media?

There are so many opportunities to get your business and yourself in front of millions of people using social media.  I have been using it for a while, but I have not been doing enough to be successful with it.  I sometimes have to remind myself that it is not just about blasting my ads to people.  Relationships and rapport building are more important.
I use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and of course IBO to promote my opportunites.  I am trying to build my network and brand myself as a leader.  Some of the daily actions that I am going to start focusing on are:  

1. Post atleast onces a day.  2-3 times is better.
2. Provide value and inspiration.
3. Be someone who people want to follow.
4. Promote my business without posting ads.  This can be done by just updating my status letting people know what I am doing and how much flexibility I have working at home.
5. Share personal pictures and videos as well as inspirational videos and quotes.
6. Be social.

Just doing these small things will help me to improve my visibility and brand myself.  I have been networking and connecting with some great people since I realized how important relationship building is.  I also share and promote other people's opportunities. When I give back and pay it forward, other people often return the favor.

These are just a few of the things that I am going to try when building my business on social media.  I am still learning and would welcome any advice, tips or suggestions from other.

Happy Sunday
