Sunday, August 28, 2016

What is your vision for your life?

I think that it is safe to say that we all have dreams. Your dreams help you move toward your goals.  You have to decide what you want your life to look like.  You probably have dreams when it comes to your career & finances, relationships, physical health and emotional health and/or spirituality.

Creating a vision board is a great way to help you achieve your dreams.  All that you need to create a vision board is a poster board, a stack of magazines, scissors and glue.  That's it!

Go through the magazines and tear out any pictures and phrases that represent what you want for your life.  Divide the poster board into four sections that represent the four major areas of your life that I mentioned above.  Lay your pictures and phrases in the appropriate areas of the poster board.  You can add labels, writing or whatever else you'd like.  Get creative!  When you are satisfied with how your vision board looks, start gluing.  It is actually fun. 

Hang your vision board in a place where you will see it often.  It will serve as a reminder of where you are headed with you life, as well as a little extra motivation for when you feel like giving up.  It is a good idea to also save a picture of your vision board to your phone, computer, tablet or other mobile device.

My challenge to you this week is to write your dreams down and create a vision board that them.
Hope you enjoyed this press release and I wish you much success.

Personal Development

How much time do you spend on personal self development each day?  I try to spend at least 30 minutes on developing myself and my skills each and every day.  This is a very important aspect of business and life in general.

You are never too old to learn something new and improve yourself.  Some ways that you can do this are through books, videos, workshops, etc.  Thanks to the internet, there are so many personal development resources available.

It is vital that you pour into yourself.  I read every book or article, watch every video and attend every webinar that I can.  Pouring positive things into yourself will result in positive things coming out.
Improving yourself not only helps you.  it also helps others.  The more you learn and grow, the more you have to offer others.  You could be the motivation that someone else needs.

Another reason that personal self development is so important is that it helps you handle and maintain success once you achieve it.  You could become rich overnight, but if you never work on bettering and developing yourself you may not be ready for this. Next thing you know you're right back in the same boat you started in.

I hope that every person reading this takes a few minutes every day to do at least one thing to develop themselves.  No matter what area of your life you are trying to improve you can find free resources online just by searching.  Hope everyone enjoyed this press release, and I wish you all much success!